Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Boys Card Verses English/Italian Translation Please?

English/Italian translation please? - boys card verses

My nephew and his Italian wife are expecting their first baby boy is always possible. I want to send a greeting card. It may also in the verse of the card I purchased translated

Congratulations on the birth of baby Davide I'm very happy for both and can not wait to see, and the baby in September.
With much love to you all.

(Verse on the card), have dreams of hope
Happiness and long life
May God always bless and quide

Grazie mille


InS said...

- Helen - has a good job, but I would say:
Congratulazioni per la nascita di Davide. Sono così felice per voi, e non vedo l'ora di do and see (or chain) fra le braccia one Settembre.
With great affetto

Bambino in Italian language is not to say very well, the same word more than once, "can be understood in two sentences, if I may say so ...
"Non vedo l'ora di see is a bit odd () because of the repetition, but serves, and now I can not think of anything else ...
"Power in braccio" might as well, but "he / Stringer fra le braccia" sounds better in my opinion ...

--helen-... said...

Congratulazioni per la nascita del bambino Davide. Sono veramente felice per entrambi e non vedo l'ora di vedere e prendere in braccio il bambino a settembre. with large affetto a tutti voi

It bambino possa avere dei sogni (Desideri) sperare their care
and congratulated Tutta la vita
Possa Dio benedica Guida e per sempervirens

Chelsey said...

no woman has fought in the Civil War. or have been involved in civil war. general.

professo... said...

Chewing on the fingers do not respond with an intelligent comment.

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